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How We Know Where To Focus

We use a research backed assessment, based off a study of over 600 successful small businesses, that has been used in 1000s of businesses. This assessment gets to the root of your business’s challenges so we can point our focus in the right direction.

A man stacking puzzles

How We Deliver the Results

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Uncover What's Holding You Back

Get a crystal-clear diagnosis of what's keeping your business from reaching its potential. Our 2-hour, no-fee assessment pinpoints the bottlenecks costing you time, money, and growth.

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Build a Stronger Foundation

We create a custom action plan to tackle your most urgent challenges and build systems for lasting success. This intensive 2-day session delivers immediate results and lays the groundwork for continued growth.

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Sustain Momentum & Scale

Our Success Engine ensures you don't fall back into old patterns. Expect ongoing support, accountability, and the tools to propel your business to the next level and beyond.


Stop Wasting Time and Talent: Build a Dream Team That Delivers

You know having the right people in the right roles is key to success. But finding those people and getting them firing on all cylinders can be a frustrating puzzle.

That's where we come in. We help you ditch the talent drain and build a high-performing team that drives results. Here's how:

Uncover Hidden Potential: We use our assessment and coaching to identify the strengths and weaknesses within your existing team.

Expert Role Design: We'll help you redesign roles and responsibilities to optimize for individual strengths and maximize overall effectiveness.

Ownership & Accountability: Our process drives a culture of ownership and accountability, ensuring everyone contributes to your company's goals. The result? A team that works smarter, not harder. A team that solves problems, seizes opportunities, and propels your business forward.

Right people right roles


Build a Leadership Team That Runs Your Business, Not You

As a business owner, you have the vision. But getting your team to execute that vision can be a constant struggle. We understand the frustration of ineffective communication, siloed departments, and a lack of accountability.

That's why we don't just offer generic leadership advice. We become a part of your team – providing the tough feedback, strategic guidance, and ongoing support you need to build a high-functioning leadership unit.

Expect Directness: We'll pinpoint what's holding your team back and offer solutions that create lasting change.

Expect Results: With our coaching, you'll see improved decision-making, stronger collaboration, and a leadership team that takes ownership and delivers on your goals.

Picture this: A company where everyone understands their role in the bigger picture. A place where problems are solved proactively, not reactively. That's the power of leadership development done right.

A team fixing gears


Unlock Your Business Potential

You didn't start a business to settle for mediocrity. Yet, hitting your growth goals and overcoming constant hurdles can feel frustratingly out of reach.

That's where the Journey Alliance difference comes in. We cut through the coaching fluff and focus on what matters: getting you tangible results.

No-Nonsense Feedback: We'll give you the honest, direct insights you need to make swift, strategic adjustments.

Data-Driven Guidance: Our assessment and coaching process help you pinpoint the areas holding your business back – and how to overcome them.

Accountability Partner: We won't let you fall back into old patterns. Expect consistent support and follow-through to keep you on track.

Bottom Line: If you're ready to stop spinning your wheels and start seeing real progress towards your biggest goals, Journey Alliance is your partner.

Teamwork to achieve company goals

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